Domain price review

Due to prevailing dollar rate and central registration domain pricing review, all domain pricing have been increased. 

All new and renewal orders will be billed on the new domain pricing. 

We regret any inconvenience this might cause.


31st Jan 2024
Server migration [19/01/2024]

Server migration notice   We will be performing schedule server migration for shared hosting clients starting today 19th Jan 2024.  If you use default PadyHost nameservers there's nothing to be done. But if you use custom nameservers like cloudflare etc kindly you should to change DNS A records to new server IP address ... Több... »

19th Jan 2024
Server migration started


Our schedule server migration has started. Kindly check your email for details.


5th Aug 2023
Server Migration

Due to increase pressure on the current server, we will begin server migration to a new server.  What will be impacted During this migration server IP will change, accounts using our default nameserver will not be affected but accounts using external nameserver will be required to change to our new IP Address. New IP will be shared in ... Több... »

6th Júl 2023